Monday, May 17

People Who Want You to Fail

"    You feel good one day and bad the next. You are productive and efficient one week, but then waste time and get nothing done the next week. Your mood goes up and down, apparently with no explanation. Why the roller coaster? You are under the influence of an antisocial person.
      Abraham Lincoln was known for his mood swings. Sometimes he was energetic, ambitious and cheerful. Other times, he was withdrawn, exhausted and unable to sleep. Winston Churchill was also on a rollercoaster: forceful, energized and brilliant one day, depressed and drinking the next. Imagine how much more these men would have accomplished, if they had been stable. They did not recognize how antisocial people were hurting them.
     Businesses are also prone to ups and downs because of antisocial people. One week your productivity and income are doing well. The next week, you have major problems. Marriages and families can go through the same ride. Happy and loving one month, unfriendly and argumentative the next month. If this happens to you, someone may be secretly messing up your life.

     Luckily, you can handle the negative people in your life. You can take control of your progress. You can have a stable, steadily improving business, career, marriage, family and life. The first step is to recognize who is causing you trouble and what they are up to."

cannot go further because this is what i'm feeling right now. There's only one person who really want me to go down and fail. but then.. my though for these people is 'RUBBISH'.. they are just a rubbish that I can easily trow away....

ending: hey u! u'r such a rubbish~ that for sure!


musang said...

erm..ko ada prob ngan sape nih??

sabar je la ek

Aujinz said...


kenape aku di persalahkahn????...

zella y said...

siapakah rubbish2 itu??

Mieza vs Rory said...

aku x reti bahase omputih...tpi nk komen gk..hehee

¶A.K.I¶ said...


sum1 yg nk buat mslh ngn ak~

¶A.K.I¶ said...


selayaknya tok dipersalahkan

¶A.K.I¶ said...


a person maybe..
or i think better call it devil~

¶A.K.I¶ said...


komen je

Hazzy Ishak said...

sapa pulak dah..

¶A.K.I¶ said...


spe lagi ko ni...

jAck ALvin buKAn suPErpoRnstAR said...

komen gua sama macam mieza vr lorry..

syaf said...


kamus dwi bahasa plzz

Mieza vs Rory said...


bkn mieza vr lorry la ngek...buta hurup ka...ahhahahaa

abigemok said...

somehow people are like that. Tp tabahkan hati. just ignore that rubbish. :D

Strike hard, strive for excellence

Anonymous said...

hey syg
u marah siapa nih???


jom mkn gula2 kapas???

amy'z said...

sabar2....!... :)

Anonymous said...

moral de story is " jgn buang sampah......"

Salam adik aki !
hrp sihat n ceria ea ok bye..

BULLET said...

bullet mai dah...wakakakaka...

[ - ] xtionkamen / ﺈﻴﻛﺸﻦ ﮐﺂﻤﻳﻦ said...

oi2...marah2 sape ni...ko lempang je muke die.hahaha...