Friday, July 9

Eclipse : the twilight saga

Good day!!

vitoria, bella, edward, victor and jacob!

salam sejahtera dan assalamualaikum.... malam tadi da kua review and trailer untuk movie the twilight saga:Eclipse!! ngeee ngeee ngee.. sangat tak saba mau menontonnya. da layan twilight yang memang tip top... satisfy dengan buku new moon dan sekarang mau feel di panggung wayang plak sequence seterusnya.....

thx wiki

ahaa! da usha sinopsis dari wiki... wa... cinta tiga segi bermula. mesti bes!! bila vampire-human-werewolf bergabung dan konflik.... sudah dapat juga review dari CuTe liTtLe WomAn dan sangat tak sabar nak tengok!!!!

sinopsis dari wiki:

The story opens with the revelation that Seattle, Washington is being plagued by a string of murders, which Edward suspects is caused by a new vampire that is unable to control its thirst for human blood. As Edward and Bella apply to colleges, Bella explains to Edward her desire to see her friend, Jacob Black, a werewolf. Although Edward fears for her safety, Bella insists that neither Jacob nor his wolf pack would ever harm her, and she begins visiting him occasionally. On one of these visits, Jacob tells Bella that he is in love with her and wants her to choose him instead of Edward, but Bella says she just sees him as a friend. To that, Jacob forcibly kisses her and she reacts by punching him in the face, breaking her hand while not even leaving a scratch on him. Meanwhile, Alice Cullen has a vision that Victoria, a vampire who is hunting Bella for revenge...... wanna know more, i suggest to all of you go and watch it!! hehehehe (more in here)

penamat post ini: kenangan  Twilight dan New Moon


Hazzy Ishak said...

aku bukan salah seorang penonton filem ni

[ - ] xtionkamen / ﺈﻴﻛﺸﻦ ﮐﺂﻤﻳﻦ said...

aku memula xlayan gak cite ni
pasal xtaw cite pe
bile da tgk kt astro, cm layan la pulak

cite ni mmg best

Lovely Bella said...

bella bace sume novel from stephenie meyer.. and x sbr nak tgk muvi tu esok.. dah book dah!! hoye!!

baincardin said...

Misteri alam jin...pernah terjumpa ke? heeeee....^_^'

Anonymous said...

Boo..kamen layan twilight..hahaha
aku xtau citer ni best ke x, sbb x tengok dari 1st dulu..smlm kuar tgk wyg pon aku tgk predator..

Anonymous said...

dh lama xmasuk panggung...masa x menizinkan

¶A.K.I¶ said...


nanti ak heret ko msk panggung tgk cete ni...
tgk laaa

¶A.K.I¶ said...


giv me five la beb~~

¶A.K.I¶ said...

sis bella!~

waah! da khatam buku dia ke?
hebatnye sis!!
da book?? waa!! besnye!

¶A.K.I¶ said...


eit... xmo jmp pon...

¶A.K.I¶ said...


jahat la ko!
ooo.. predator ye....

¶A.K.I¶ said...



syaf said...

weyh mak cik...kaw belanje aku nk x..
kaw kan sgt budiman & shantek

Aujinz said...

jom teman aku tengok wayang..
popcorn belik sendirik!

¶A.K.I¶ said...


ko kn lg kaya dr ak! =p

¶A.K.I¶ said...


ko blnje ak wayang?
heh! boleh3!!

MOMMY CGG said...

kalo best boleh la cik gula2 tgk:)


syaf said...

mane janji kaw nk blanje aku tengok movie.....**tetibe

black_mel said...

aku x minat citer twilight ni..xpenah ikut dari yg 1st skrng nk tgk pun no point sebab x paham..citer la sikit kat aku summary dia cmner..

¶A.K.I¶ said...

miss hanem!~

hehehe... nti aki review insyaALLAH

¶A.K.I¶ said...


ko ad mntk ke?

¶A.K.I¶ said...

black mel!~

alaahh ko...
mmg taw!

syahira ariff said...

aku suka jacob dr edward

hai hai
selamat berkenalan

tuan director said...

sokonglah industri film kita